Mobile Application Penetration Testing Explained

Mobile application penetration testing is a targeted security evaluation designed to detect vulnerabilities in apps across various platforms, including iOS, Android, and others. This essential testing procedure, guided by the standards of the OWASP Mobile Application Security Verification Standard (MASVS), mimics cyber attacks to uncover potential security flaws within mobile apps that could be exploited by attackers. The main objective of this testing is to assess the security level of the app, with a focus on identifying risks related to data breaches, insecure data handling, flaws in authentication and authorization processes, and vulnerabilities in the communication with backend systems.

mobile penetration testing methodology


In the Reconnaissance phase of mobile application penetration testing, testers gather key information about the target app and its environment to lay the groundwork for an effective test. They collect data on the app’s platform, version, third-party libraries, and backend interactions, using passive techniques like reviewing code repositories, app store information, and user feedback. This helps identify potential areas vulnerable to security threats.

Active reconnaissance then involves direct interaction with the app, such as using it to observe its behavior, analyzing network traffic for server communication, and decompiling the app to examine its code. Testers also assess how the app performs in various network settings, like public Wi-Fi, to spot security weaknesses. Automation tools may be used for tasks like endpoint identification. The insights from this phase guide the focus of the subsequent penetration testing stages, targeting the app’s most likely vulnerable spots.

Automated Vulnerability Scan

During the Automated Vulnerability Scan phase of mobile application penetration testing, testers employ software tools for a quick, systematic search for known vulnerabilities within the app. These scans assess the app’s code and network interactions to identify common issues like insecure API calls and code injections. Automated tools efficiently cover extensive parts of the app, identifying a wide range of potential vulnerabilities rapidly.

pentest wizard performing mobile application penetration test illustration

However, automated scans are not exhaustive and may miss complex, context-specific vulnerabilities. They also risk false positives and negatives, so their findings serve as an initial assessment rather than a conclusive one. These results are then reviewed and further explored through manual testing by experienced testers. This phase forms the foundation for more in-depth, manual testing phases that address vulnerabilities beyond the scope of automated tools.

Manual Testing and Exploitation

During the Manual Testing and Exploitation phase of mobile application penetration testing, testers conduct a detailed, hands-on investigation to find and exploit vulnerabilities missed by automated scans. They manually examine the app’s features, focusing on areas like input validation, authentication, session management, and data handling, identifying specific issues such as injection flaws and broken authentication. This approach helps understand how these vulnerabilities could be exploited in real scenarios.

Testers then attempt to exploit these vulnerabilities in a controlled setting, using techniques similar to potential attackers, such as escalating privileges, intercepting data, or accessing sensitive information. This phase is crucial for demonstrating the real-world impact of the vulnerabilities, assessing their severity, and guiding the prioritization of remediation efforts. It provides essential insights into the app’s security, aiding developers in strengthening the app against genuine threats.


In the Reporting phase of mobile application penetration testing, the findings are consolidated into a detailed report. This document outlines each vulnerability, its impact, and discovery methods, categorizing them by severity for prioritization. The report includes evidence like screenshots and logs to support its findings, offering clear remediation recommendations for developers and security teams.

This phase is crucial for both immediate fixes and long-term security planning, as the report provides an overall security assessment and strategic improvement suggestions. It’s vital for informed decision-making, demonstrating compliance with security standards, and guiding future efforts to enhance the app’s security against emerging threats.

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